Toyama Unazuki memories explain in more detail

This is a detailed explanation page for “Toyama Unazuki memories” posted on TikTok.


Unazukionsen Toyama Japan trip Collecting station stamp, goshuin, fuukeiin has seriously become one of the best thing I do in Japan. a greatpiece of memory to bring home with me! Would you do it? ① ========== 📍Shinkansen Kurobe-Unazukionsen station eki stamp(free) Ask the station staff at the ticket gate counter. ② ========== 📍Unazuki Shrine goshuin(300yen, Prepare with just enough coins) Unmanned sales. There is a can in the shrine. Take one out yourself and put 300 yen into the offering box. ③ ========== 📍Selene Museum stamp(free) Near the elevator on the second floor. ④ ========== 📍Trolley(Kurobe-kyokoku-railway) Unazuki station eki stamp(free) Near the ticket counter. ⑤ ========== 📍Kurobegawa Electric Memorial Museum stamp(free) The front immediately after entering. ⑥ ========== 📍Unazuki post office fuukeiin(63yen) Buy a 63 yen stamp at the counter and put it on your notebook. Ask the staff at the counter to “風景印 を 押して ください。Fuukeiin wo oshite kudasai.” (meaning “Please stamp the landscape stamp.”). * Fuukeiin(landscape stamps) are postmarks with illustrations of famous sightseeing spot in each region. #toyama #unazuki #unazukionsen #traveljapan #travelmemories #japanthings #japantrain #japan #travel #ekistamp #駅スタンプ #stamp #記念スタンプ #fuukeiin #landscapestamp #風景印 #goshuin #御朱印

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① is located in a remote location, but the remaining ② to ⑦ are all nearby and can be easily visited on foot.

Would you do it?

①Hokuriku Shinkansen Kurobe-Unazukionsen station(北陸新幹線 黒部宇奈月温泉駅)

📍3206-3 Ogyu, Kurobe City, Toyama Prefecture

🔖eki stamp(free)

Ask the station staff at the ticket gate counter.

There’s only one ticket gate, so I don’t think you’ll get lost.

②Unazuki Shrine(宇奈月神社)

📍938 Unazuki Onsen, Kurobe City, Toyama Prefecture

🔖goshuin(300yen, Prepare with just enough coins)

Unmanned sales.
There is a can in the shrine. Take one out yourself and put 300 yen into the offering box.

Please walk on the side of the path as it is considered disrespectful to the deities to walk in the middle.

Stand in front of haiden, shake the rope to ring the bell.
Toss a coin into the offering box.
Bow twice, clap twice, bow once more.(二礼二拍手一礼)

③Selene Museum(セレネ美術館)

📍6-3 Unazuki Onsen, Kurobe City, Toyama Prefecture


The stamp is made from a mineral (zircon) that is associated with Unazuki.
Unazuki is the place where zircons from about 3.8 billion years ago (Japan’s oldest) were discovered.

When you enter the entrance, go left.
It’s free to enter, so you can just walk past the first floor counter.

There are stairs and an elevator at the end.
Go up to the second floor by stairs or elevator.

The stamp is located near the elevator on the second floor.

④Trolley Kurobe-kyokoku-railway Unazuki station(トロッコ黒部峡谷鉄道 宇奈月駅)

📍11 Kurobe kyoukokuguti, Kurobe City, Toyama Prefecture

🔖eki stamp(free)

Near the ticket counter.

It is located outside the ticket gate, so you can stamp it without getting on the trolley.

⑤Kurobegawa Electric Memorial Museum(黒部川電気記念館)

📍11 Kurobe kyoukokuguti, Kurobe City, Toyama Prefecture


The front immediately after entering.
Admission is free.

This is a museum dedicated to the history of Kurobe Dam construction.

⑥Unazuki post office(宇奈月郵便局)

📍7-30 Unazuki Onsen, Kurobe City, Toyama Prefecture

🔖fuukeiin(landscape stamp) 63yen

Buy a 63 yen stamp at the counter and put it on your notebook.

Ask the staff at the counter to “風景印fuukeiin wo 押してoshite くださいkudasai” (meaning “Please stamp the landscape stamp.”).

Fuukeiin(landscape stamps) are postmarks with illustrations of famous sightseeing spot in each region.
Some people collect them as mementos of their travels.

⑦Toyama-Local-Electric-Railway-Unazukionsen station(富山地方電鉄 宇奈月温泉駅)

📍Unazuki Onsen, Kurobe City, Toyama Prefecture

🔖eki stamp(free)

Outside the ticket gate.
Near the central staircase.

If you have any questions, please post them in the comments on TikTok.

Have a nice trip to Japan !


  1. Toyama City memories explain in more detail


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